Workshop Schedule:

WED 29.01 | 11:30-13:00

Workshop Abstract:

Biological processes, which are initiated immediately following tooth extraction, may lead to bone resorption and result in alveolar ridge defects. Up to date, several preventive interventions such as Ridge preservation procedures or immediate implant placement are proposed to eliminate these processes. In many clinical cases, however, the use of bone augmentation is still needed to replace missing teeth with implant borne reconstructions.

Guided bone regeneration has been successfully used for decades and is considered an integral part of modern implant dentistry. Depending on the dimension and the location of the site and depending on the restorative treatment planning different surgical techniques were proposed to correct alveolar ridge defects. In addition, a large number of different materials such as alloplasts, auto-, allo- or xenografts, are available for Guided bone regeneration.

Nowadays, research activities focus on the improvement of surgical techniques and the development of new materials in order to facilitate clinical handling and reduce the patient’s morbidity. In this context, not only the evolution of CAD/CAM technology is an interesting topic in the field of hard tissue regeneration.

The lecture gives a short overview about ridge alterations after tooth extraction, the effectiveness of preventive procedures, the principle of Guided bone regeneration and the selection of the surgical technique as well as the materials. In addition, new trends in the field of Guided bone regeneration are discussed.

Knowlegde of basic biological principles and available techniques in regenerative therapy will enable clinicians to select the appropriate technique according to the clinical situation in order to successfully regenerate hard tissues around dental implants.


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Marco Zeltner is a Specialist for Reconstructive Dentistry and co-owner of a Dental Clinic in Horgen Switzerland, where he leads a team of 6 specialized dentists and 2 general pracitioners. He graduated in 2006 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and received the “doctor medicinae dentium” (Dr. med. dent.) 2010 at the same University. After the Federal Board Examination for Dentists, he worked for a 5-year period as a full-time associate at Grimmzahnaerzte in Horgen. Thereafter, he completed a 3-year post-graduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the University of Zurich. During this time, he was trained in prosthodontics and in implant dentistry.

In 2015 he received the Research Award from the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry. After his postgraduate education he served as a part-time Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the University of Zurich Since for 1 year. Since 2016 he works in his private clinic (Grimmzahnärzte) and part time at the Center of Dental Medicine in Zurich as an instructor. His clinical focus is on the comprehensive treatment of complex, fully dentated or partially edentulous patients applying all available options of reconstructive dentistry including dental implants.

Beside the specialization in Reconstructive Dentistry (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry) he received also the diploma of advanced education (WBA) in Oral Implantology (Swiss Society of Oral Implantology). His main scientific interest is related to regenerative concepts in the field of implant dentistry.

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